Shorts Programme 1
Thursday 22nd November, 7.00pm - 8.30pm
@ Fox Studios Australia, Building 16, 38 Driver Ave, Moore Park NSW 2021
Dir. Daniel Hoffmann
Germany | 23 mins
Synopsis: A middle-aged programmer (Noel) stands in front of the ruins of his marriage. With the help of a new intelligent language assistant, Noel tries to redirect his professional and private life into the right path. The artificial intelligence not only assists him in coping with everyday life, but also arranges an appointment with the much younger Claudine.

The Doll
Dir. Gonçalo Leitão
Portugal | 13 mins
Synopsis: She was a child, the monster adults create with their sorrows.
Dir. Peres Owino
USA | 6 mins
Synopsis: ERNEST, an elderly gentleman sits on the bed listening to his wife, BERTHA’s first voicemail which reveals that she is the glue that keeps him together. As Ernest gets into his suit, Bertha ‘s second voicemail warns him against heating up his lunch in the GOOD CHINA PLATE because they get hot. Forgetting Bertha’s warning Ernest serves the casserole onto a china plate as Bertha’s third voice message plays and reveals to the audience the significance of this day.

Dir. Nathan Vaillant
France | 16 mins
Synopsis: After committing a professional misconduct, Anna returns home and discovers the infidelity of her husband.
Dir. Matt Huntley
UK | 5 mins
Synopsis: Everyone is looking for their Lobster, their soulmate. For Mark, it's Tanya. For Tanya, it's Dave. Bloody Dave.

Dir. Iván Sáinz-Pardo
Germany | 19 mins
Synopsis: Ainhoa is 9 years old and she has left home, bringing only her school bag and a Playmobil.
After each film there will be a minute-long break, during which we invite the audience to complete scorecards. The cards go towards the scoring of the films and are sent directly to the filmmakers to provide insight into the audience's response.