Feature 3 - Heroes Manufactured
Saturday 7th October @ 12.45pm - 2.15pm
@ LAB111 Film & Food Arie Biemondstraat 111, 1054 PD Amsterdam, Netherlands
Heroes Manufactured
Dir. Yaron Betan
Producers. Yaron Betan, Zavosh Zaboliyan, Stuart Steinberg, Bruno Marino, Alfonso Espinos
Writer. Yaron Betan
Canada | 70 mins
A documentary about Canadian Independent Comic Artist trying to break into the comic book industry while facing some of Pop Cultures biggest challenges. In the obvious world of Mass Production and celebrity Media craze, we exploit the reality of producing Super Heroes in a market saturated with Artists, Writers, Celebrities, Cosplayer's and everything else the comic-con markets have to offer.
At its core, Heroes Manufactures explores the struggles independent artist face when publishing their work. While it is set in Canada, the film explores a variety independent artist that show the importance of their work through multiculturalism and their gender.
Heroes Manufactured highlights artist from a variety of backgrounds including Mexican, Jewish, Feminist and French-Canadian backgrounds.