Local Filmmakers Showcase & Networking
Friday 5th October, 6.45pm - late
@ LAB 111, Arie Biemondstraat 111, 1054 PD Amsterdam, Netherlands
Little Noah's Last Adventure
Dir. Shariff Nasr
Netherlands | 10 mins
Synopsis: When Noah (6) finds out that the strawberries he has eaten are poisonous, he tries to say farewell to his parents and little sister before it's too late.

Red Crayons
Dir. Igrayne Hormann
Netherlands | 28 mins
Synopsis: A classroom of Syrian refugee children works at learning a new language. While they share with us the story of their young, but eventful lives, their tales are brought to life through powerful animations. These animated drawings grant us an intimate and honest perspective on the war raging in the Middle-East and the trying journey to a new home.
Dir. Kelly Joanne Jenkins
Netherlands | 5 mins
Synopsis: By the shores of a deep dark lake an hypnotic redhead relives a passionate affair and struggles to let go of her lover as night draws in.

Dir. Jottum Kok
Netherlands | 10 mins
Synopsis: In a grey colored world where women are unable to express their individuality, a young woman finds herself struggling with her sexuality and freedom.
Dir. Mascha Halberstad
Netherlands | 7 mins
Synopsis: When Tyn waywardly urinates on the pregnancy test of one of his fellow students in the bathroom of the student house where he lives, he turns out to be pregnant. He is shocked, but when he passes a baby shop he is moved by all the lovely and cheerful baby items. He clicks with the female shop assistant, Jip, and from then on everything suddenly goes super-fast.

What Time is it?
Dir. Raynor Arkenbout
Netherlands | 14 mins
Synopsis: Three events about love and memories, spread through time and the life of three generations.
Dir. Pim Diepersloot
Netherlands | 9 mins
Synopsis: A young ambitious screenwriter struggles with keeping his sanity as he tries to overcome his writersblock.
After each film there will be a minute-long break, during which we invite the audience to complete scorecards. The cards go towards the scoring of the films and are sent directly to the filmmakers to provide insight into the audience's response.