How to Network in the Film Industry.

Posted on Film Industry Tips

  When learning how to network, the first piece of advice I could give is a bit of an airy-fairy one, but it is honestly so true, it is to open up your soul, so those smiles and laughs come naturally…. “…we can’t forget the fun we’ve had Laughing ’til our faces turn blue. Talking […]

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Film of the Fortnight: ÓL (Sty) – Directed by Árpád Hermán.

Posted on Film Of the Fortnight

Black Comedy | Hungary Why Lift-Off programmed this film: Our initial response to Sty was that we felt it had the best story set-up we had ever seen. Strong character development without a single line of dialogue. One of our judges simply said “this is the best short film I’ve ever seen“. Sty is available […]

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