International Shorts
Tuesday 18th February @ 8.45pm - 10.30pm
@ Il Kino, Nansenstraße 22, 12047 Berlin, Germany
Bad People
Dir. Giorgi Tavartkiladze
Georgia | 20 mins
Logline: 1991 Tbilisi, Georgia after the collapse of the USSR, in the midst of a civil war, Gia tries to find medicine for his son when he meets an old friend who fights on the opposite side.
Anpu - ZOEA
Dir. Powei Su
Taiwan | 6 mins
Logline: Mitten crabs have long been viewed as an environmental index for assessing the ecological state of rivers and streams in Taiwan.
The species has a unique spawning migration pattern, the species has seen a gradual decline in population over the past few decades,
mainly attributed to over-harvesting and pollution. As a result, their existence has also faded away in the popular consciousness.
Dir. Chris Franklin
Australia | 12 mins
Logline: When Australian documentary photographer Andrew Chapman was invited to the Austin Hospital in Melbourne to photograph open heart surgery for TIME magazine, the transplant team in the operating theatre next door invited him to photograph them as well. Little did he know, this same surgical team would be saving his life 17 years later.

Dir. Jordi Gueyrard
France | 20 mins
Logline: At dusk, a strange girl walks alone along an endless road in a wide deserted landscape. A car passes. On board, a man who offers to drive her to her destination. The fragile girl ends up accepting and gets in the car.
Agoria - Call of the Wild
Dir. Loïc Andrieu
France | 6 mins
Logline: Throughout a cinematic video, director Loïc ANDRIEU introduces a new female hero high-concept. It features Jane, an enigmatic L.A.P.D officer, forced to face her Orphic power to dive into death.

Dir. Daniel Monterrosas
Mexico | 6 mins
Logline: Wrapped in the darkness of the deep sea, a General and his crew face, unsuccessfully, the sudden threat of an unknown enemy, taking him face to face with his inevitable destiny.
You Say Nothing
Dir. Gray Hughes
UK | 9 mins
Logline: When conflict erupts in Derry in 1969 two brothers facing violence at home withdraw into their own fantasy world to escape The Troubles
Remus and Ron
Dir. Branden Wittchen
Australia | 10 mins
Logline: Remus and Ron tells the story of how Remus a 30-year-old eccentric and awkward man ended up in the back of a police car arrested for murder. He looks back on his childhood and reminisces on how he turned out so different from his identical twin brother Ron, despite being inflicted the same bizarre and abusive upbringing. Exploring themes of nature vs nurture and twisting the stereotypes of future serial killer behaviour, Remus and Ron is a dark and disturbing look at how one twin could be so evil and the other so caring.
After each film there will be a minute-long break, during which we invite the audience to complete scorecards. The cards go towards the scoring of the films and are sent directly to the filmmakers to provide insight into the audience's response.