Read from our many posts packed with filmmaking tips, designed to turn standard filmmakers into what we like to call 'Lift-Off Filmmakers'...
We are constatly writing new posts, sharing cinematic photos of interest, and constantly having a rant at the establishment via our social pursuits. Please feel free to follow and join the conversation...
Your Mother might be on it now, along with your pet dog, but Facebook no matter how big and weirdly addictive it's becoming remains a great place to build conversation!
We can't promise any #bootygains but we'd love for you to follow what we're up to as we engage with indie filmmakers around the world. Follow all of our 'filtered' adventures on the worlds fastest growing social media platform! [instagram-feed]
Our views are entirely our own. Twitter seems to be a gold mine for wit, personal jibes and an amazing human-character study tool.
If you're on Twitter simply say hello using the hash tag #LiftOffFilmFestivals and we'll find you!