First-Time Filmmakers Collection

Thursday 13th December, 8.30pm - 11.00pm
@ Close-Up Cinema, 97 Sclater St, London E1 6HR


Dir. Sophie Gueydon
UK | 13 mins
Synopsis: Emma (9) and her Mum recently moved to a new flat in London. Mum suffers from depression. Emma takes care of both herself and her mother, struggling between being a child and looking after her Mum’s needs.


Dir. Axel Gärkman
Prod. Matthew Critchfield
UK | 18 mins
Synopsis: Gary, an old, working class man runs away from his depressing care home to pursue his dream of becoming a model. On the way he encounters a young model who becomes infatuated with him and helps him on his road to stardom.


Dir. Patrick Hopkins
UK | 12 mins
Synopsis: A paranoid misfit believes he is on the verge of uncovering an incendiary conspiracy but before exposing the evidence, he meets a weary acquaintance who helps him weigh up the risks.


Tea With Lemon
Dir. Robert Harrison
UK | 10 mins
Synopsis: Bold, suave and enigmatic—exactly what Ian is not. But if he learns Zaneta’s mother tongue, maybe he can convince her otherwise.


Turning Tide
Dir. Andrew Muir
UK | 15 mins
Synopsis: After witnessing a large aerial battle over 1940's Scotland, a young boy finds himself in a life changing situation when he comes face to face with a downed German pilot.


The Last Fisherman
Dir. Nick Adams
UK | 12 mins
Synopsis: For centuries, Hope Cove in England has been home to a thriving fishing community. But over the years, one by one, the fishermen have left. Follow the lives of the last fisherman David Morgan and his wife Sue, one of the last people to make willow crab pots by hand, as they explore the decline, and fight to preserve the heritage of the village.


Dir. Richard Prendergast
Prod. Rachel Prendergast
UK | 20 mins
Synopsis: A loving family set off in their car on what seems like a carefree family outing. As Mandy drives, they sing along to a favourite song, stop for ice- creams and play eye-spy. However, it gradually becomes clear that this isn’t a family outing after all, and that their destination isn’t a happy one. In fact, their destination is the house of a man, due to buy their car, and only once the car has stopped does the actuality of the narrative fully manifest.


After each film there will be a minute-long break, during which we invite the audience to complete scorecards. The cards go towards the scoring of the films and are sent directly to the filmmakers to provide insight into the audience's response.

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