First-Time Sessions Winners
Monday 23rd September, 9.00pm - 11.00pm
@ Pickford Theater, Raleigh Studios, 5300 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90038, USA
A Cohort of Guests
Dir. Todd Sandler
USA | 15 mins
Logline: A group of friends enjoy a casual summer dinner party until they are shockingly interrupted by an unexpected guest.

Kiss me Malibu
Dir. Mikel Arraiz
Spain | 4 mins
Logline: Horror-comedy music video about women and men courtship process. It shows the insecurities that TV shows, religions, culture and belief systems create in us and at the same time makes fun of them. This is a personal and independent project where the director also created the music for the video.
Blue Day
Dir. Béla Tóthpál
Romania | 21 mins
Logline: The film is about a young boy, who suffers from schizophrenia, and who tries to fit in societies "norms", by trying to defeat his illness, but he fails and his illness defeats him.

Everlasting Love
Dir. Cebotari Ion
Monaco | 2 mins
Logline: It is a drama with a happy ending in which the protagonist tries to give life to his beloved
Goodbye (Adios)
Dirs. Rosa Maria Santisteban
Peru | 11 mins
Logline: Veronica, a middle age divorced woman, struggles accepting the path and lifestyle that her only daughter decided to take seven years ago.

Dirs. Amir Mehran & Mojtaba Esmaeelzadeh
Iran | 3 mins
Logline: In a dismal and cold world, a boy looking for a tree.
Tête de Mule
Dir. Victor Bargès
France | 14 mins
Logline: A car is stopped in a Serbian countryside. A young man, Ulysse, with facial injuries, holds an envelope full of cash.

After each film there will be a minute-long break, during which we invite the audience to complete scorecards. The cards go towards the scoring of the films and are sent directly to the filmmakers to provide insight into the audience's response.