Syria - The Impossible Revolution
Thursday 14th March, 6.45pm - 9.00pm
@ Dive NQ Bar, Tib Street / Oldham Street, Northern Quarter, Manchester, M4 1SH
Syria - The Impossible Revolution
Dir. Ronan Tynan
Prod. Esperanza Productions
Ireland, Syria | 91 mins
Synopsis: Moving and compelling, 'Syria - The Impossible Revolution’ unravels the “complexity” of how a peaceful uprising against a brutal dictatorship turned into what the United Nations now describes as ‘the greatest human catastrophe of the 21st Century.’ The first feature length documentary to attempt that challenge in showing the historical roots of the peaceful uprising in 2011 and how and why it quickly turned into a revolution as the Syrian people found themselves consumed by a violent response that is still reverberating. How and why Jihadist groups from ISIS to Al Qaeda sought to steal that democratic revolution and how all of the major powers were drawn into the conflict - all pursuing their own agendas at enormous cost to the Syrian people.
More than five hundreds are dead, half the population have fled their homes and six million are refugees outside the country and the suffering of civilians, including women and children, is far from over. Missing from media headlines are the voices and stories of those who peacefully resisted brutal dictatorship and are still struggling for freedom, human rights and democracy against 'fascists in suits and fascists in beards" four of whom - all leading human rights defenders - this documentary is dedicated.

After each film there will be a minute-long break, during which we invite the audience to complete scorecards. The cards go towards the scoring of the films and are sent directly to the filmmakers to provide insight into the audience's response.