Shorts Programme 1
Saturday 1st December, 7.00pm - 8.15pm
@ Backlot Studios, 65 Haig St, Southbank VIC 3006, Australia
Bye Bye Virgins
Dir. Pierre Boulanger
France | 23 mins
Synopsis: Even though they don’t know each other very well, Inès (14) and Abdel (15) decide to have their « first time » together. The big day arrives and Inès is called to help out a neighbor to babysit her two kids Moussa (3) and Balla (5). Inès is determined to go through with their plan and asks Abdel to join her at her neighbor’s apartment. But the two children and their friends don’t stop to interrupt them in their pursuit. And so, they are forced to get to know each other in a different way…

Dir. Alex Holmes
Australia | 15 mins
Synopsis: A teenage girl living in an extreme Christian sect is driven into psychological turmoil by her Elders when she strikes up an innocent relationship with a boy.
Dir. Benart Laze
Albania | 20 mins
Synopsis: KUJTIM is a fisherman who works in his father in law boat. His life is stacked in between a tragic moment in the past and his hopeless present. Finding himself in a crossroad he decides to take a risky adventure into the sea.

Daniel Trakell - Paradise
Dir. Rainer Kelly
Australia | 5 mins
Synopsis: A woods-dwelling loner explores a haunting idyllic limbo, in search for the ultimate peacefulness. In homage to sci-fi films of the 80's and 90's, an astronaut wanders alone looking for something more than the paradise that surrounds him.
King of the Wind Demons
Dir. Clémence Poésy
France | 16 mins
Synopsis: It’s New Year’s Eve. Sophie, a quasi-burnt-out intern at the psych emergency room, is in charge of admitting Marie, a troubled patient brought by the police following a crisis. Despite her ramblings and her obvious distress, Marie has something special that confuses Sophie. During their conversation, Marie sees right through Sophie and makes remarks that lead Sophie to question deeply her relationship with her boyfriend Vincent. After tonight, nothing will ever be the same.

After each film there will be a minute-long break, during which we invite the audience to complete scorecards. The cards go towards the scoring of the films and are sent directly to the filmmakers to provide insight into the audience's response.