New York Lift-Off Film Festival 2018 – Feature – A Sniper’s War

A Sniper's War

Monday 25th June, 7.45pm - 9.45pm
@ Videology, 308 Bedford Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11249


A Sniper's War

Dir. Olya Schechter
Country: USA
Runtime: 83 mins

Synopsis: A Sniper’s War is a story of a sniper, whose anti-US views led him to join the pro-Russian rebels in the ongoing Ukrainian conflict—a primary source of tension between the United States and Russia. When social media becomes a communication platform to schedule sniper duels, Deki’s rival threatens to kill him.

After each film there will be a 2 minute break, during which we invite the audience to complete score cards. The cards go towards the scoring of the films and are sent directly to the filmmakers to provide insight into the audiences response.

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