New York Lift-Off Film Festival 2018 – Feature – People People

People People

Wednesday 27th June, 7.45pm - 9.45pm
@ Videology, 308 Bedford Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11249


People People

Dir. Lizzie Logan
Country: USA
Runtime: 78 mins

Synopsis: Kat (Natalie Walker, @nwalks) is a YouTube star with a gorgeous penthouse, a ten-step nightly skincare routine, and over 12,000 subscribers who live for her daily videos. She's also an anxiety-ridden agoraphobe who hasn't left her apartment in two years. Colin is her easygoing Postmates guy who has no idea his cutest customer is a complete shut-in. As the two grow closer, Colin's desire for a girlfriend who can leave the house and Kat's neuroses threaten to sabotage their budding romance.

After each film there will be a 2 minute break, during which we invite the audience to complete score cards. The cards go towards the scoring of the films and are sent directly to the filmmakers to provide insight into the audiences response.

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