Shorts programme 1
Monday 25th June, 9.45pm – 11.30pm
@ Videology, 308 Bedford Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11249
Behold, Such Clown
Dir. Jacob Pilgaard
Denmark | 25 mins
On his very last day working as a hospital clown, Elias encounters his past when he meets a dying girl. A meeting which may finally give him redemption for his mistakes.
Under the Rope
Dir. Simon Mulvaney
UK | 8 mins
Under The Rope’ is a short documentary about inspirational female Muay Thai fighter Sylvie Von Duuglas-Ittu and the story of how a feminist from the U.S.A. fell in love with a foreign community that has gender inequality at the core of its values.
State of Emergency Motherfucker!
Dir. Sébastien Petretti
Belgian | 6 mins
This is the story of two young guys without any trouble who just want to screw without being disturbed. State of Emergency motherfucker is a surrealistic comedy that depicts a society where police violence and invasion of privacy are daily routine, normal, tedious. The victims themselves are used to it. Even the police is used to it! Every day, they get back at it. Samy and Mehdi aren’t even paying attention to it anymore… the viewer neither. The real question of the movie is to finally discover if Samy did get some on the night of Valentine’s…

You Can’t Put Out This Fire – Steven Bamidele
Dir. Benn Veasey
UK | 4 mins
Robert Mims the Texan Bull Rider
Dir. Julian Hancock
USA | 16 mins
After forty three years riding bulls, Robert Mims is approaching retirement. Robert is one of the few competing black Texan riders and has become legendary among fellow riders for his wit and skill in this dangerous sport.
In (Silence)
Dir. Moritz Valero
UK | 9.5 mins
A young man, Konrad, reflects about his own death.
Canuck Black
Dir. Rebecca Archer
UK | 10 mins
In a shadowy interrogation room, a homicide file lies open in front of two frustrated cops. Behind a one way mirror sits their main suspect, a hulking black bear named Canuck Black.
My Best Girl
Dir. John TerEick
USA | 16 mins
Two ex-lovers are reunited by the death of their beloved dog.
After each film there will be a 2 minute break, during which we invite the audience to complete score cards. The cards go towards the scoring of the films and are sent directly to the filmmakers to provide insight into the audiences response.