Even Jesus was Bipolar
Tuesday 25th June, 7.00pm - 8.00pm
@ Stuart Cinema & Cafe, 79 West Street, Brooklyn, NY 11222
Even Jesus was Bipolar
Dirs. Yamile Calderond & Edward Cunniffe
Norway | 53 mins
Logline: Even Jesus Was Bipolar is a documentary about Hernando Calderón who recently and over the course of a year went blind and was diagnosed as Bipolar. These new conditions in Hernando’s life initially traumatic, gave way to a process of acceptation and understanding of his mental condition and blindness which opens a new way to see the world and himself; giving him the opportunity to live a more meaningful life.

After each film there will be a minute-long break, during which we invite the audience to complete scorecards. The cards go towards the scoring of the films and are sent directly to the filmmakers to provide insight into the audience's response.