Shorts Programme 1
Tuesday 30th October, 7.00pm - 8.30pm
@ Lucernaire, 53 Rue Notre Dame des Champs, 75006 Paris, France
Dir. Kelly Joanne Jenkins
Netherlands | 5 mins
Synopsis: By the shores of a deep dark lake an hypnotic redhead relives a passionate affair and struggles to let go of her lover as night draws in.

Dir. Elham Toroghi
Iran | 10 mins
Synopsis: A White Cat lives in a city of black residents. No one pays attention to him because he looks different.
Dir. Paul W. Nethercott
USA | 17 mins
Synopsis: A courageous young woman with ALS lives far longer than anyone expects... A story that warms the heart and shows us how to live an engaging, productive, and meaningful life.

King of the Wind Demons
Dir. Clémence Poésy
France | 16 mins
Synopsis: It’s New Year’s Eve. Sophie, a quasi-burnt-out intern at the psych emergency room, is in charge of admitting Marie, a troubled patient brought by the police following a crisis. Despite her ramblings and her obvious distress, Marie has something special that confuses Sophie. During their conversation, Marie sees right through Sophie and makes remarks that lead Sophie to question deeply her relationship with her boyfriend Vincent. After tonight, nothing will ever be the same.
Dir. Virginia Bach
France | 15 mins
Synopsis: Why can't Maxime, 9 years old, visit his mother at the hospital? Why can't his father tell him ?

Full English
Dir. Charlie Parham
UK | 9 mins
Synopsis: Why would you want to leave when there's all this?' Join Gwen for some Full English. Hers is the best on the coast. And given that she eats it every morning, she should know. All the other guests may have left. But they’ll be back. When Englishness is the only choice left on the menu, it’s breakfast for one in this dark, comic monologue for film about loneliness, mental health, disenfranchisement and surviving off the unappetising remnants of English identity.
Dir. Ran Bensimon
Israel | 14 mins
Synopsis: In a technologically saturated world, a young Jerusalemite with a longing for human touch and addiction to screens, goes on a digital journey in search of a mysterious girl with whom he is in contact only through digital means and loses his identity online.
After each film there will be a minute-long break, during which we invite the audience to complete scorecards. The cards go towards the scoring of the films and are sent directly to the filmmakers to provide insight into the audience's response.