Shorts and Networking Party
Wednesday 30th October, 8.45pm - 10.45pm
@ Le Lucernaire, 53 Rue Notre Dame des Champs, 75006 Paris, France
Dir. Mélanie Doutey
France | 12 mins
Logline: Louise and Manu have very different ways of dealing with grief. While Manu chooses to move forwards, Louise is disoriented, literally: she can only move forward backward. One day, she meets Camille who reassures her about her condition and reveals to her the existence of a discreet community, « those who live better from behind ». With them, Louise learns to move forward by going backward.

Tête de Mule
Dir. Victor Bargès
France | 14 mins
Logline: A car is stopped in a Serbian countryside. A young man, Ulysse, with facial injuries, holds an envelope full of cash.
A Real Man
Dir. Aurélien Mathieu
France | 3 mins
Logline: A father share with his son his vision of masculinity during a rugby training.

The Missing Piece
Dir. Julien Chavaillaz
Switzerland | 15 mins
Logline: Baptiste, a lonely outsider, is in love with Mina, the girl from the sex hotline. One day, Baptiste gathers his courage and succeeds in convincing the young woman to accept a rendez-vous at a café in town...
The Ogre
Dir. Laurène Braibant
France | 10 mins
Logline: Full of complexes because of his size, a giant holds on eating terrified at the idea of revealing his ogresque self and so compromising his place in the society.
Dir. Elise Lausseur
France | 13 mins
Logline: In the Alps, Bertin a big man and Yohann a little one robe a charity shop.
MADBEN - Grief, dance to death
Dir. Charles Keramoal
France | 4 mins
Logline: A soldier wakes up in a dessert landscape. Completely lost, he walks for days and weeks before encountering a mysterious object. His journey will lead him to a brutal awakening

Dir. Fabrice Joubert
France | 14 mins
Logline: A bright sunny afternoon in November. It is wind-down time after gym class for the 2nd graders. Michael and eleven other children lie side by side on the floor of the gym, breathing quietly. Suddenly, a detonation tears the silence.
After each film there will be a minute-long break, during which we invite the audience to complete scorecards. The cards go towards the scoring of the films and are sent directly to the filmmakers to provide insight into the audience's response.