characterization in film

Characterization in film

Posted on Film Industry Tips

Characterization in film. It’s an artistic formula. As an indie filmmaker it is more than likely that you are the writer, director, photographer, editor and promoter of your work. Balancing your focus and time can be very tricky, especially when you have very strong technical voices on the project who believe they have priority over […]

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how to direct an actor for film

How to Direct an Actor for Film

Posted on Film Industry Tips

How to direct an actor for film. Preparing them to enter your world. As a film festival we receive lots of films everyday from projects where it is clear that the directing of the actor(s) has failed. This post on how to direct an actor for film, describes the many tricks we’ve learnt as filmmakers, […]

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Create Originality in Your Filmmaking

Posted on Film Industry Tips

How to build the perfect creative engine. Create Originality in Filmmaking. Kayne West and Kim Kardashian are the worlds most famous couple. The idea that self-selective, self absorbed psychopaths building a brand of obvious that doesn’t really say anything, or change a single ounce of humanity, is what the western world wants to eat at […]

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making a feature film

Making a Feature Film, Are You Ready?

Posted on Film Industry Tips

Making a feature film. Are You Ready? How to know when you are, and where to aim if you’re not… Are you ready to direct and tackle the enormous task of making a feature film? The journey of any painters craft must always start with sketching. Christopher Nolan’s progression… Doodlebug (1997) – Following (1998) – Memento (2000) […]

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film festival submissions

Film Festival Submissions – I’ve Submitted, Now What?

Posted on Film Industry Tips

What are your next moves inside the festival market? “Submission Limbo”. Chances are you’ve been clever about your submissions, taken your time and picked a few film festivals you feel are worthy of the film festival submissions fee and, I’m sure, some, if not all of these film festivals you’d love to be a part […]

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