Shorts Programme 1
Thursday 21st November, 7.00pm - 8.45pm
@ FOX STUDIOS AUSTRALIA, Building 16, 38 Driver Avenue, Moore Park, NSW 2021, Australia
The Lovelys
Dir. Michael Lopez
USA | 13 mins
Logline: The Lovelys is a dark comedy that follows a family of quirky misfits who inhabit a remote area in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. The family, run by fierce and former drag queen, "Memaw Lovely", grapple with all the typical trials and tribulations of any close-knit family with one distinct difference - they're a pack of misguided killers!
On Air
Dir. Bastiaan Rook
Netherlands | 18 mins
Logline: Brian, who got stuck in a rut, receives a call during his broadcast that doesn't turn into a pleasant conversation.
Dirs. Eleanor Evans & Giovanni Aguilar
Australia | 5 mins
Logline: In a colourful bar frequented by monsters a cyborg sings a love song. When a beautiful mermaid appears the song becomes a flirtation between the two. But as they start to fall in love a lonely walrus lets his jealousy get the better of him.

Dir. Matias Bolla
Australia, Chile | 9 mins
Logline: A glimpse into the secluded lives of Patagonian cowboys (Gauchos) living at the end of the world in isolation. A stunning portrait of sacrifice, tradition and endurance in extreme conditions, uncovering what it truly means to be alone.
Dir. Fabrice Joubert
France | 14 mins
Logline: A bright sunny afternoon in November. It is wind-down time after gym class for the 2nd graders. Michael and eleven other children lie side by side on the floor of the gym, breathing quietly. Suddenly, a detonation tears the silence.
Don't Feed These Animals
Dirs. Guilherme Afonso & Miguel Madaíl de Freitas
Portugal | 10 mins
Logline: Once upon a time there was a lobotomised bunny who lived in a research laboratory. He had bi-polar personality disorder, triggered by his huge appetite for carrots. One day the bunny brings a carrot to life by accident but also creates something evil. Now both carrot and bunny must surpass their differences and join forces, so that together they may end this threat.
After each film there will be a minute-long break, during which we invite the audience to complete scorecards. The cards go towards the scoring of the films and are sent directly to the filmmakers to provide insight into the audience's response.