Le Chocolat De H

Monday 27th May, 6.00 - 7.45pm
@Japan, 〒150-0042 Tokyo, Shibuya City, 37, 宇田川町37−18トツネビル1-2F

Le Chocolat De H

Dir. Takashi Watanabe
Japan, France | 84 mins

Synopsis:  Tsujiguchi Hironobu, who is a world-wide famous Japanese pastry chef. This movie is about his journey from finding some ingredients to completing his new recipes of chocolate. The biggest chocolate festival has been held every year in Paris,France, “Salon du Chocolat”. In the festival, there is a contest of chocolate. It is very honor thing for all chocolatiers to won a prize there. Tsujiguchi has kept winning it for five years. However,he is not satisfied with himself yet. Therefore, he decided to create new chocolate recipes and to win a prize again.



After each film there will be a minute-long break, during which we invite the audience to complete scorecards. The cards go towards the scoring of the films and are sent directly to the filmmakers to provide insight into the audience's response.

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