Toronto Lift-Off Film Festival 2020 - Network Round Features
Wednesday 2nd - Wednesday 16th September
Nobody Famous
Dir. Elizabeth Ahlstrom
Logline: Nobody Famous is a music documentary based on teenage 60s folk singer, Susan Taylor, who found commercial success with musician/ singing/ songwriting trio, The Pozo Seco Singers. While fellow member, Don Williams went on to be become one of the most successful country music artists of the 20th century, Susan shied away from fame and fortune, instead choosing to "go where the folk wind blows", embracing her own path, her own unique artistry, and her own individual identity in the process.
Sockeye Salmon. Red fish
Dirs. Dmitriy Shpilenok , Vladislav Grishin
Russian Federation
Logline: Sockeye, a species of wild salmon, is born in Kamchatkan waters and spends its entire life in the Pacific Ocean. Only once does it return to fresh waters - to give offspring, start the circle of life, and die. It is an inexhaustible resource that feeds billions of people on the planet, restored every year! But soon, we may find ourselves facing the unimaginable: humans will exhaust the inexhaustible!
Suryalila - Six Years in Search of Sanity
Dir. Lisa Dunn
Logline: Vidya Heisel is an inspiring entrepreneur and visionary with big dreams. The film follows her rocky and fascinating journey to create Suryalila, an unsurpassed centre for yoga in the heart of the Andalusian countryside, the development of which presents her with some ethically difficult choices between her business and her values.
Dir. Gabriele Di Luca
Logline: Fil and Charlie (Antonio Folletto and Massimiliano Setti), both thirty years old, grow marijuana in the apartment they live in, at the third floor of a rundown building, in the slum of the suburbs of a town in northern Italy..
We are the Roots: Black Settlers and their Experiences of Discrimination on the Canadian Prairies
Dir. Jenna Bailey
Logline: We are the Roots: Black Settlers and their Experiences of Discrimination on the Canadian Prairies tells the story of a wave of African American immigrants who moved to Alberta and Saskatchewan between 1905-1912 in search of a better life. Taking advantage of Canada’s offer of 160 acres of land for a $10 fee, 1000-1500 individuals moved to the Prairies and helped develop several settlements throughout the provinces.