Feature 1
Monday 1st August, 3pm - 4.30pm @ Vancity Theatre, 1181 Seymour St, Vancouver
Johnny Walker
Dir. & Writer Kris De Meester
Producers: Christine K Walker, Tomas Leyers, Kris De Meester, Koen Mortier
Key Cast: Hank Botwinik, Mieke Daneels, Eric Godon, Christelle Cornil, Astrid Whettnall, Udo Kier
Belgium | 2015 | 85 mins | Language: Dutch, English, French with English subs.
A washed up Hollywood director is trapped in a remote castle by his own fears until the arrival of a mysterious woman offers him possible salvation. Inspired by Dostoevsky's 'Notes from the Underground', Johnny Walker attempts to answer the burning question: Is living a long life vulgar, immoral or just plain bad manners?