ActorFilm Industry Tips

An Actors Essential Reading – UK Amazon listings

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The building of knowledge can be tricky when we are on our mission to succeed one’s own way. There has been countless of times, over the years, where we have met actors from every side of the achievement roller coaster and they have given us their top all-time reads.

These books helped our actors get inspired, build their skills, reinforce their love for the artform, deliver new perspectives and gently remind them why they still strive for their dreams.

If you are an actor we highly recommend getting some of these and reading them – each book cover is a hyperlink to the book’s respective UK Amazon listing:

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 “If you’re serious about acting, this is a great investment to make.”

If you haven’t heard of the term ‘Actions‘ then you MUST get this book. An ‘Action‘, also known as a ‘transitive verb‘, is the term used to best describe the intention on a line. For example, there are a million ways to say ‘I love you’, one could say it to empower someone, one could say it to destroy someone, or you could say ‘I love you’ to discombobulate

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 “Just… inspiring.”

The method. Whether you are into it or not, one must know the rules before one decides to break them. This method is by far the most celebrated. Uta Hagan extends on the work of Stanislavski and gives practices that actors may adopt to truly get inside the body of the characters they aim to inhabit. 

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 “A fabulous book considering the nature of acting written concisely by a modern master.”

Where do we begin with this book? Aggressive. Smart. Enlightening. Demanding. David Mamet’s unknown masterpiece, a book for actors on working with scripts, and most importantly working on your career. This book nearly brought many drama schools to its knees. Any actor worth their juice must read this

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 ” I really feel my acting has improved since digesting the contents…”

The books featured above very much work from the inside out. However, this method by Michael Chekov, works from the inside out. Using training exercises and preparation methods the investigates and delivers a completely different way of approaching character and their dramatic life. 

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 ” …the complete guide to today’s film industry”

As recommended in our guide, Actors: your 3  steps to success, this book is the essential read for any professional looking to gain the knowledge and information rarely taught, but disastrously missed by many. An actor with this sort of knowledge will turn heads and make serious gains – an essential read for any actor looking to make moves within the film business.

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