Maya Moon McCullough is a writer and director originally from Biloxi, Mississippi. She mainly focuses on themes of women’s advocacy, struggle between good and evil, or rather perceived good and evil, and female camaraderie. She wrote The Fall Leaves after learning of a family member’s experience in a home for unwed mothers. These homes were used as secret havens for the women to have their babies under shame and humiliation. In most cases, they were coerced to give up their baby for adoption. This piece of history seems largely ignored and Maya is passionate about getting that message to audiences around the world.

"I found that the screening was extremely professional and engaging. It was an honor to have my film screened at the New York Lift-Off Film Festival.
I joined the Lift-Off Members Network because of the amazing resources they provide. From live screenings, to script feedback, to online screening competitions, the Lift-Off Network is arguably essential to any up and coming filmmaker.
I am working on the feature version of The Fall Leaves, with my writing partner, Paige Enslow. Together we are exploring all of the potential from the original script and applying to screenwriting grants and labs in order to someday get financed and make start production within the next year."